Clear skies permitting, February 2024 should be an excellent month for stargazers. It may be chilly outside in the northern hemisphere, but spectacular celestial sights include a rare conjunction of Venus and Mars, a well-placed Orion Nebula, and the rise of the full “Snow Moon.”

Here are the sky-watching highlights for February 2023:

1. Dark Skies

When: February 2-12

Where: all-sky

The New’ Snow Moon’ on February 9 defines a “dark sky window.” A Last Quarter Moon on February 2 (which rises after midnight) to an early-setting crescent moon on February 12 creates 10 nights free from moonlight perfect for stargazing.

2. The Youngest Moon

When: just after sunset on Sunday, February 11

Where: west

You can be among the first to see the youngest, most slender waxing crescent moon this month, but it won’t be easy. A 6%-lit slim crescent moon will be visible in the southwestern sky just after sunset but will sink soon after. You’ll need a low western horizon and a pair of binoculars to scan the still-bright twilight sky to find it.

3. ‘Da Vinci Glow’ And Jupiter

When: just after sunset on Sunday, Monday, February 12 through Wednesday, February 14

Where: southwest

Look southwest after sunset on these three evenings; if the skies are clear, you’ll see a crescent moon climbing slightly higher each night. Look for “Earthshine” on the crescent moon’s dark side—sunlight reflected from Earth’s ice-caps and clouds onto the moon’s surface. On Wednesday, you’ll see Jupiter above the crescent moon.

4. The Orion Nebula

When: anytime after dark

Where: south

Go find Orion’s Belt in the south after dark—easy! Look below it, preferably with binoculars or a small telescope, and you’ll see a fuzzy patch called the Orion Nebula (M42). A nursery home to newborn stars is visible to the naked eye and exceptionally bright if you look just to the side of it. It’s about 1,300 light-years distant.

5. The Seven Sisters Meets The Moon

When: anytime after dark on Friday, February 16

Where: south

Look south to see the half-lit moon appear very close to the Pleiades open cluster, also called the “Seven Sisters” and M45. Located in the outskirts of the Taurus constellation and visible to the naked eye, the Pleiades contain seven main bright stars—Alcyone, Atlas, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta, and Pleione. Tonight, the moon will appear close to Alcyone, the brightest star. All of them are around 100 million years old, which is very young compared to most stars. They’re surrounded by a cloud of gas and dust illuminated by starlight.

6. Conjunction Of Venus And Mars

When: before sunrise on Thursday, February 22

Where: southeast

Brilliant Venus will be next to Mars this morning, a mere 0.6 of a degree separating the two closest planets to Earth. Use binoculars to find Mars close to Venus, which will be easy to find with just your eyes.

7. ‘Small Snow Moon’

When: moonrise (dusk) on Saturday, February 24

Where: east

The second full moon of 2024 and the third of winter in the northern hemisphere, the “Snow Moon”—also known as the “Hungry Moon” and the “Storm Moon”—will be the farthest from Earth in 2024 (apogee). Therefore, it will be the smallest—the opposite of a “supermoon.”

The times and dates given apply to mid-northern latitudes. For the most accurate location-specific information, consult online planetariums like Stellarium and The Sky Live. Check planet-rise/planet-set, sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset times for where you are.

I’m an expert on the night sky and author of Stargazing In 2024: 50 Easy Things To See In The Night Sky From North America. For the very latest on sky events and the total solar eclipse please subscribe or check my main feed regularly for new articles.

Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes.

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