Raghu Ravinutala is the CEO and Co-Founder of Yellow.ai, a global leader in generative AI-powered customer service automation.

Until now, discussions regarding AI in customer service have predominantly centered on its capacity to bring about cost savings and streamline processes. That’s understandable, as generative AI is fundamentally transforming the dynamics of contact centers, markedly enhancing the overall customer experience and exerting a notable influence on business outcomes. With mounting proof of its benefits, AI is now being recognized as indispensable for effective competition, enabling swifter and more precise customer support.

But what is often lost in these discussions is that the scope of these transformations extends far beyond efficiency. With widespread AI adoption, we are on the cusp of something even more important: a more inclusive digital world.

Why Accessibility Is More Crucial Now Than Ever

The fact is that the ongoing digital revolution has the potential to leave many people behind. For people with visual, auditory, motor or cognitive disabilities, the advantages of this technology have been unevenly distributed. We are not discussing some fringe demographic here: Nearly one in four adults have a disability in the United States, and that number is 1.3 billion globally. If AI-powered support is going to be at the center of customer service experiences going forward, that’s a huge population that needs to be accounted for.

As companies race to launch generative AI solutions to stay ahead of the curve, there is a significant risk of neglecting crucial parameters that facilitate broader accessibility in customer service. This oversight not only poses a considerable setback to the shared objective of promoting inclusivity but also has the potential to impact business costs.

The Centre for Inclusive Design emphasizes that the relative cost of retrofitting a product or service to become inclusive will escalate over time, reaching up to 10,000 times the cost of incorporating inclusivity from the outset. Conversely, products and services designed with inclusivity in mind can “reach and benefit up to four times the size of the intended audience.”

Bridging The Customer Service Accessibility Gap With AI

AI is acting as a huge enabler to promote accessibility and create a more inclusive customer service experience. Here’s how:

Text-To-Speech And Voice-Enabled Interface

Simply navigating the internet—let alone interacting with chatbots—has long been a challenge for those who, due to poor eyesight or other impairments, are unable to read the text on the screen. AI-driven text-to-speech capabilities enable the conversion of written content into natural, spoken language, providing an effortless way for customers to comprehend information without the need for traditional reading. Additionally, voice-enabled interfaces empower customers facing motor impairments or typing challenges by allowing them to navigate and interact with services through spoken commands or queries.

Summarization And Explanation

For individuals with severe cognitive impairments, navigating through extended customer service documents or deciphering chatbot conversations can be a daunting task. Generative AI can simplify this process by distilling intricate information into concise, easily digestible formats. Automated summaries within chatbot interactions aid users in swiftly grasping essential points, significantly improving understanding and facilitating more informed decision-making in customer service scenarios.

Voice AI With Non-Standard Speech Recognition

In a standard customer service encounter, conventional speech recognition systems or even human agents often face challenges with unfamiliar accents or speech impairments, leading to frustration and the need for repeated attempts. However, cutting-edge AI models are undergoing training to comprehend a broader spectrum of speech patterns. This technological advancement is particularly beneficial for individuals with speech disorders or pronounced accents, ensuring that voice-activated services, including those powered by voicebots, become more accessible and user-friendly.

Image Recognition

Multimodal AI in customer service leverages visual elements to enhance accessibility for individuals with disabilities. For instance, consider a customer service chatbot equipped with image recognition capabilities. A visually impaired individual could upload a photo to describe an issue, and the AI, using image recognition, could analyze the content and provide relevant information or assistance. Using the text-to-speech functionality referenced above, the AI can then verbally explain the issue to the customer.

This integration of visual elements enables a more comprehensive and inclusive customer service experience, catering to individuals who may rely on non-textual information for communication and support. Programs like Be My Eyes Virtual Volunteer are already demonstrating the power of this technology, allowing users to submit images and receive instantaneous AI assistance.

Real-Time Multilingual Translation

Accessibility is not limited to only people with disabilities; language also represents an obstacle to the kind of inclusivity businesses need to thrive. Traditionally, human-led customer service is limited by the languages actually known by your staff. This is no longer the case: AI-powered chat and voicebots are fluent in a multitude of languages, and—through real-time translation capabilities—can ensure optimized, scaled interactions with customers from all over the world.

Achieving accessibility is a significant challenge, yet one of the most impactful areas for a business to make a tangible difference is in customer service. And AI is meeting this challenge with increasing efficiency each day. Also, it would be inaccurate to think of these innovations as somehow existing in addition to the main benefits of AI-powered customer service automation. They are, in fact, deeply tied to the technology’s core promise. If you want to service customers quickly, successfully and at scale, you need to keep the needs of every consumer in mind.

The people developing today’s AI technology know this—it’s why so much effort is being expended on broadening the accessibility of this technology. The result is a level of inclusivity that previously would have required dozens of additional employees—staff fluent in dozens of languages and personnel extensively trained in assisting those with cognitive impairments. Multimodal, generative AI-powered customer support is in the process of changing all that—prioritizing accessibility to foster accountability and ensure positive outcomes for every consumer.

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