Long before the Parliament of Bhutan passed a bill decriminalizing “same-sex” sexual activity in 2021, Queer people in Bhutan were making vital contributions to the Himalayan Kingdom. And the work is not over, as LGBTQ+ activists and allies are still pushing for additional measures to protect Queer rights, such as the legal recognition of non-binary gender identities. However, in the three years since same-sex sexual activity was decriminalized, there has been notable progress when it comes LGBTQ+ rights and visibility in Bhutan. Without losing sight of the LGBTQ+ movement’s future goals, it is always a good time to celebrate the progress.

On the International Day Against Homphobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, we spotlight the voices and stories of Queer young changemakers. As the rising generation of advocates, writers, performers, models, political leaders, scientists and more, Queer young people are not only a victory for their respective fields but also a victory for their families, communities, country and a world in much need of their gifts. To honor their inspiring journeys and tireless dedication, here are interviews with three trailblazing Bhutanese Queer people you should know. This list is certainly nowhere near exhaustive or adequately representative, and it is in no particular order, but is meant to provide inspiration around the potential of Queer empowerment and is a celebration of just a few shining examples of Queer young Bhutanese leaders.

Sangay Loday, 21

A Queer youth consultant and theatrical performer from Thimphu, Sangay began their advocacy in 2021 through Queer Voices of Bhutan (QVOB), the country’s first Queer advocacy platform, co-founded by Pema Dorji. This advocacy included helping to provide programs that supported inclusive platforms for people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC).

“I love providing safe spaces. In Bhutan, safe spaces can be quite limited, especially for those who are visibly Queer. Providing platforms for queer people to come together to be themselves, to talk about mental health, sex, pleasure and their daily lives is vital,” said Sangay.

One powerful example of Sangay’s work was their role in creating “Out Of The Closet, No More Queer Cliches,” one of the first Queer art exhibitions in Bhutan.

“The biggest concern was that Queer youth wouldn’t feel comfortable. But they came together and just enjoyed themselves,” said Sangay. “It happened on its own and it was incredibly powerful. It was very androgynous, colorful, diverse and people were being who they are, which is Queer.”

One submission from a person who was married but realized they were Queer later in life stood out in particular.

“They submitted an 11-page anonymous story. Groups of people read the whole story and came to me in tears. That’s when I realized this is one story that represents so many stories in Bhutan. Married and Queer and not able to do something. This person was able to do something and express their queerness. That was one of the best parts,” Sangay recalled. “We debunked a myth in that moment. Sexuality and gender are social constructs and there is no age requirement.”

This important work is made all the more meaningful to Sangay due to their personal experiences coming out as a Queer person.

“I grew up around a homophobic environment. I remember the F word being used very dominantly for about 18 years of my life. I was in the closet for 18 years and I have seen the corners, edges, and everything that is inside the closet. No one deserves to be in there. No one deserves to be boxed,” said Sangay.

“When I came out, I learned a lot about the decisions that an individual makes for themselves. Choices that are influenced by the people around you. That was the biggest impact for me. From then on, I made choices because I wanted to make them, not because people told me it was the right choice.”

Some of those choices brought Sangay into the sphere of performance arts in Bhutan.

“When I act, sing, or dance, I feel most connected to the energies around me. I can feel this energy around me in a manner that allows me to forget the people around me and just feel. At that moment, that is when I am truly myself. I just am what I am. I never saw someone like me in media or performance arts, and now to be that person is something that is healing my inner child.”

Sangay hopes the work they do will continue to inspire other Queer people to feel safe and experience life as their full selves.

“When I walk, I am always wearing earphones. One time, I was like, let’s not. Let’s take it down. I was wearing something androgynous. I walked 10 minutes and observed. So many words, looks, judgments, experiences of the contextual ‘F’ word of Bhutan. Mockery. In the future, I envision a Queer person can walk down the street with no reactions.”

Regita Gurung, 26

A dedicated gender advocate and One Young World Ambassador from Thimphu, Regita began her activism journey through a blend of modeling and academic pursuits. If a succesful early career in marketing strategy and communications wasn’t enough, Regita’s advocacy work has also helped advance the national dialogue on gender equality, sexual consent, mental health and Queer representation in film and modeling. She attributed much of her inspiration to her upbringing.

“My name, Regita, spelled backwards is ‘atiger,’ because I was born in the year of the tiger. I look to tigers for inspiration. I also grew up with a supportive single father who pushed me to try anything, whether it was modeling, educational pursuits, or even things that broke traditional gender roles,” said Regita.

Regita’s work also includes organizing and participating in campaigns promoting pleasure activism.

“One significant initiative was my involvement in pleasure activism, where I applied my academic research on sexual consent to real-world advocacy. It was about deconstructing perspectives on pleasure and consent, and bringing those conversations into the public sphere,” Regita explained. “In this work I also recognized the importance of dialogue, facilitating discussions between community members and policymakers to influence change at a systemic level.”

One standout moment in Regita’s career was being the first woman to kiss another woman on screen in a commercial Bhutanese movie.

“This was a groundbreaking moment for visibility and representation. It sparked conversations and highlighted the need for more inclusive narratives in our media,” Regita shared. “I’m proud of challenging the norms and contributing to the growing platform for Queer stories.”

Her work is deeply personal, shaped by lived experiences of overcoming trauma and breaking societal expectations.

“When I lost my father, I felt lost for a while. It made me realize I needed to carve my own path and escape restrictive spaces. I pursued higher education at the Asian University for Women in Bangladesh, where I specialized in gender studies and anthropology. It was a transformative experience, surrounded by strong women from diverse backgrounds who pushed me to grow in so many ways,” said Regita. “At university, I had the safe space to explore. It was liberating to gain the vocabulary and the community to communicate my queerness. These experiences informed my queer advocacy when I returned home from university,” Regita recalled.

Regita’s vision for the future is one that blends a growth mindset with activism and social progress.

“I envision a future where we keep growing. Oftentimes we think that we have learned enough. The movement for gender equality must continue with mistakes, lessons and growth for future generations,” she emphasized.

Beyond advocacy, Regita has a heart for genuine connections with other people and a keen interest in artistic and written expression.

“I love learning from people and networking with others who have much to teach. I love traveling and often feel like I want to run away, take a break, and feel myself missing home, which is essential. I love writing, blogging, poetry, prose. I communicate feelings with words in a diary,” Regita shared.

Dechen Wangdi, 29

With a talent for storytelling, Dechen Wangdi, from Thimphu, is widely known for raising awareness on social issues, especially those affecting Queer people in Bhutan.

A pivotal moment in Dechen’s writer-advocate journey began four years ago when he founded Humans of Thimphu, a storytelling platform inspired by Humans of New York. One of Dechen’s missions with Humans of Thimphu was bringing out stories from those traditionally undercovered in mainstream media, particularly those of Queer individuals.

“Mainstream media often neglected Queer issues. I wanted to fill that gap through storytelling, allowing people to share their experiences authentically in a safe space,” Dechen explained.

One of Dechen’s proudest achievements is his involvement with Queer Voices of Bhutan (QVOB), where he volunteers his time to support dialogue and visual media projects that raise awareness and support for Queer individuals in Bhutan. Dechen has contributed to their efforts by participating in initiatives like Queer Talks, a series aimed at discussing queer issues openly and unapologetically, co-led by nationally-recognized journalist, Namgay Zam.

“For the first episode, it was during the COVID-19 pandemic and challenging to find people willing to speak out. But it was a necessary step to create a space for these vital conversations. These publications and talks were among the first of their kind in the country, offering guidance on navigating society as a Queer person and considerations for coming out,” said Dechen.

Dechen’s work extends beyond Queer issues, addressing other taboo topics like sexual violence and survivorship. His storytelling has gone beyond representation to promote the coming together of community toward making tangible impacts on individual and systemic levels.

“I used this storytelling to create community engagement that did not exclude Queer people. And some people asked why I focused so much on Queer stories, but the impact was undeniable. People have told me that because of the stories shared, they found their own courage to come out. These stories needed to be told,” Dechen shared.

Growing up as a Queer kid in Bhutan, Dechen faced numerous challenges. Gang violence in schools and a lack of understanding about Queer identities made his journey a difficult at times. In spite of these roadblocks, Dechen blazed a formidible trail, completing college despite the limited opportunities for scholarships and coming from a family where higher education was a novelty.

“We were the first generation to go to school, and as a Queer person who didn’t fit in, it was even harder without visible role models. The first time I saw a gay character was on the U.S. television show, Glee. But things are changing rapidly, and now Queer people know they are not forgotten,” Dechen reflected.

One of Dechen’s many notable accomplishments is his experience working at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, United States, as an invited Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Fellow by the U.S. Department of State. This experience is a testament to how far Dechen’s commitment to the craft of writing has taken him.

“It was a tough journey, especially being one of the few full-time writers in Bhutan. When I said I wanted to be a writer, it was a lonely path. But now, it’s becoming more common. I’m happy to have created a path for others to follow and encourage the youth to navigate this space,” Dechen stated.

He envisions a future where Queer empowerment is not limited to full-time advocacy but integrated into various sectors.

“The misconception is that you have to be recognized for Queer advocacy as a full-time thing. True empowerment is when queer advocates are called upon in different ways. Our community is very talented and has gifts to share in any space. The trauma can be stifling sometimes, but it’s crucial to find ways to encourage young people to put themselves out there,” Dechen emphasized.

Beyond advocacy, Dechen is a social person who loves engaging in social media, traveling, reading, and having interesting conversations with friends.

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