International research has revealed that Australia has a higher incidence of fatal shark bites, particularly in isolated regions where the risk of fatalities is significantly elevated.

The study, conducted by the University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File, revealed that the 10 fatal shark bites in 2023 globally doubled the previous year’s count, with four occurring in the waters around Australia. Surfers bore the brunt of these incidents, accounting for 42% of the 69 “unprovoked” bites worldwide, with 22% of these taking place in Australian waters. Interestingly, spearfishing emerged as the most common activity during 22 bites, which were excluded from the study as they were considered “provoked.”

ISAF defines “unprovoked bites” as incidents where a shark bites a human in its natural habitat without any human provocation of the shark. “Provoked bites” occur when a human initiates interaction with a shark in various ways (i.e. divers being bitten after harassing or attempting to touch sharks, bites on spearfishermen, bites on individuals trying to feed sharks, bites occurring during the process of unhooking or removing a shark from a fishing net, etc.). The study focused on bites occurring in a shark’s natural habitat without human provocation, providing valuable insights into shark behavior. Gavin Naylor, the director of shark research at the Florida Museum of Natural History, noted that the number of bites aligns with long-term trends. Despite the disconcerting increase in fatalities, Naylor emphasized the consistency in the data, suggesting a need for further exploration.

The analyzed data shed light on regional variations, pinpointing South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula as a hotspot for fatal bites. The area, characterized by a high population of white sharks and the seals they prey on, witnessed three fatalities in 2023. Naylor explained that surfers in such remote locations can resemble seals, making them susceptible to shark encounters: “Seals are really agile, so the only ones that get caught are the ones that are goofing off and flopping around on the surface … and that’s kind of what a surfer looks like.”

The link between population density and shark bites was also made apparent, with increased interactions between humans and sharks in densely populated areas. Surprisingly, swimming or surfing in more populated areas was found to reduce the likelihood of fatalities when attacks occurred. According to Joe Miguez, a doctoral student in the Florida Program for Shark Research, this is due to Australia’s beach safety measures: “This is because when an attack happens and there is beach safety, you can get a tourniquet on sooner and save the person’s life.” This also could explain why, despite Australia being labelled a “shark bite hotspot,” the country reported decade-low in fatal bites in Australian waters, with four recorded in 2023 compared to the peak of six in 2020. However, Miguez stressed the danger associated with remote and regional beaches due to their isolation, emphasizing the critical role of quick response in saving lives.

The international landscape of shark attacks in 2023 revealed two fatalities in the United States and four in the Bahamas, Egypt, Mexico, and New Caledonia. Researchers highlighted that the majority of attacks were ‘test bites,’ as sharks occasionally mistook humans for their preferred prey. “The 2023 worldwide total of 69 confirmed unprovoked cases is in line with the most recent five-year (2018-2022) average of 63 incidents annually,” ISAF reported. In line with long-term patterns, the United States reported the highest number of unprovoked shark bites in 2023, with 36 confirmed cases. This figure represents a slight decrease from the 41 incidents documented in 2022. “Annual fluctuations in shark-human interactions are expected. While the number of fatalities in 2023 was considerably higher than in 2022, there have been years in the past (2011) in which fatalities were also higher. The 2023 uptick in fatalities due to white sharks may reflect stochastic year-to-year variation, but it might also be the consequence of the increasing number of white sharks seen at aggregation sites near beaches that are popular with surfers (particularly in Australia).”

ISAF believes that understanding regional patterns, emphasizing beach safety, and exploring innovative anti-shark measures are essential components in ensuring that those who enjoy the ocean can enjoy their beautiful coastal waters with confidence. Numbers for 2024 are currently being collected.

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