Riot Games has released the patch notes for League of Legends update 14.7, which feature some much-needed nerfs to Volibear and a welcome buff to Camille who has been suffering all season.

League of Legends patch 14.7 will go live on March 3 and features some balance changes that have been needed for a while as well as a few fun additions for the beginning of the month celebrations.

The most notable nerf in patch 14.7 is to Volibear, who has been somewhat of a menace in solo queue games as a champion that can dominate a game. The first change is to his Q, Thundering Smash, and how it interacts with Sundered Sky. Now a small change will only see his attack damage be increased by crits instead of the total ability damage, which should stop some of the burst damage he can output. Then his R, Stormbringer, gets a sizeable cooldown nerf, going from 140 at level one to 160 and then from 100 at level three to 110.

On the other side of things, Camille is getting some all-round buffs to make her viable in the top lane, the place where she should be the most fun. Since the map changes at the start of the year, Camille has felt a bit rubbish in the top lane, with fewer walls to bounce off and has become more of a feature as a support, which is way more boring. To try and make her more viable in the top lane her Q now offers more move speed and has a lower cooldown at later levels, and her W has more outer cone base damage. However, to make sure she doesn’t become too good as a support her E damage is being reduced a little.

In the full patch notes the team also mentioned that Camille is probably in need of a larger rework in the future given the map changes, so you can expect to see her pop up in the patch notes quite a bit over the coming weeks.

Elsewhere in the 14.7 patch notes the likes of Olaf, Rell, Sylas and Galio all get some changes, but most of them are quite boring, whereas the new April Fools skins are very much not. The highlight is, of course, Cheddar Chief Twitch, which turns the rodent’s head into a block of cheese and it looks fantastic. Then there’s Durian Defender Rammus, Choo-Choo Ornn, Toy Terror Cho’Gath and Zesty Dip Zac all of which look great. Skins that don’t take things too seriously are great, and I wish Riot did more of them.

Finally, there’s a note for anyone still using DirectX 9 tech when playing LoL. Support for DX9 is being dropped in a couple of patches time, so if you are still using it you will need to finally embrace more modern tech, or upgrade your PC if it’s the best it can do. But you officially have until patch 14.9 to get this sorted.

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