“Hold it steady!” a member of the rescue team hollered over the noise of splashing water as the creature thrashed in the harness. “Be careful!”

In a bid to save one of Earth’s rarest creatures, a team of dedicated researchers and wildlife experts in the Florida Keys has embarked on a time-sensitive rescue mission. The target: the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata), now facing a mysterious die-off threatening its existence. An endangered species inhabiting the coastal waters of the southeastern United States and South America, it is recognized for its distinctive appearance – a long, flattened snout adorned with serrated teeth resembling a saw, hence the common name. Despite their formidable appearance, smalltooth sawfish are little threat to people, primarily feeding on small fish and crustaceans using their unique rostra to stun prey. However, their populations have declined dramatically due to habitat loss, overfishing, and accidental capture in fishing gear; conservation efforts are underway to protect remaining populations and restore their habitats.

This is especially true as at least 38 endangered sawfish have perished since January in the Sunshine state. The urgency of the situation has prompted a collaborative effort involving state agencies, research institutions, and concerned individuals. With over 400 reports flooding the fish kill hotline and more than 200 samples collected, the scale of the crisis is undeniable. The reports trace back to fall 2023 when sightings of spinning fish first emerged in the Florida Keys; since then, over 50 species exhibiting distressing symptoms. “We couldn’t sit back and continue to watch these endangered sawfish die. (We) had to launch this complex emergency response effort with partners to attempt to rescue and rehabilitate smalltooth sawfish in hopes of preventing additional losses of this endangered species,” said Adam Brame, the sawfish recovery coordinator for the National Marine Fisheries Service.

The operation, spearheaded by the Smalltooth Sawfish Recovery Team and led by Tonya Wiley of Havenworth Coastal Conservation, marked a significant milestone on April 5th with the successful capture of an 11-foot male sawfish off Cudjoe Key. This is just days after a federal effort was launched to track down and rescue sawfish exhibiting inexplicable spinning and thrashing behaviors, marking the first step in a desperate bid to understand and combat the deadly trend. The male received immediate veterinary care and was housed in a temporary holding tank in the Keys for a week. Following this quick stay, it was then swiftly transported to a rehabilitation facility at the Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium in Sarasota. This relocation was not just a rescue effort; Wiley’s team, alongside dedicated wildlife experts, wasted no time in thoroughly examining the distressed sawfish. The recovering predator presented an opportunity for scientists to gather vital data that could unlock the mystery behind the sawfish die-off and the broader distress observed in other marine species, including stingrays, crabs, and sharks.

Despite extensive testing, including necropsies and environmental analyses, the exact trigger remains elusive. Pathogens, bacterial infections, water quality, and toxins from red tide blooms have all been ruled out as potential culprits. “We’re going to learn everything we possibly can from this animal,” Wiley said. “This will help us with future sawfish.” While the Florida Legislature has allocated funds to address the crisis of up to $2 million, most of that money won’t be available until summer. “We can’t wait that long,” Wiley said. “[The rescue efforts] desperately needs a big infusion of money.” The stakes are undeniably high, she argues, with the fate of an entire species hanging in the balance even though it was granted federal protection in 2003.

For concerned citizens looking to contribute to the cause, donations can be made to sawfishrecovery.org, providing vital funding to bolster rescue and rehabilitation initiatives. Additionally, individuals can report sawfish sightings to Sawfish@MyFWC.com or call 844-472-9347, allowing for the monitoring and protection of these endangered creatures.

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