Astronomers have detected the most distant known carbon in the universe, dating from only 350 million years after the big bang. The finding —- made by NASA’s Webb Space Telescope —- used infrared observations from its current Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey to identify carbon in a baby galaxy that formed not long after the dawn of time.

The findings will likely force cosmologists and theorists to rethink much of everything they know about the chemical enrichment of our cosmos.

In a paper accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, an international team led by astronomers at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., detail their observations of this early galaxy, known as GS-z12. It lies at a redshift greater than 12, near cosmic dawn.

This is not only the earliest confirmed detection of carbon, but also the first confirmed detection of any chemical element other than primordial elements produced by the Big Bang (hydrogen, helium, and traces of lithium), Francesco D’Eugenio, the paper’s lead author and an astrophysicist at the University of Cambridge, told me via email.

Finding this carbon so early in cosmic history could also mean that somewhere out there, life may have gotten an even earlier start than ever expected.

This discovery also challenges our models of chemical evolution, says D’Eugenio. We did not expect to see such high carbon-to-oxygen abundance until much later in the history of the Universe, he says. Therefore, our discovery points to new and unexpected chemical enrichment channels in the early Universe, says D’Eugenio.

Due to the extraordinary faintness of such distant galaxies, the team was only able to detect the carbon after some 65 hours of observations using near-infrared spectroscopy.

Astronomers use spectroscopy to study the absorption and emission of light and other radiation by matter. Every element has its own chemical fingerprint that shows up in a celestial target’s spectra which in this case enabled the surprising identification of carbon at such early times.

How was this carbon created?

The Big Bang produced only hydrogen, helium, and traces of lithium, says D’Eugenio. Therefore, this carbon — and all the carbon in the Universe — must have been produced inside stars, he says. Some carbon is produced inside massive, short -lived stars, and some in low-mass, long lived stars, says D’Eugenio.

Carbon Via Supernovae

In GS-z12, which is only some 50 million solar masses, we can rule out the second scenario, because the Universe was so young that low-mass stars did not have enough time to contribute significant amounts of carbon, says D’Eugenio. This implies it was produced in massive stars, he says. However, the ratio of carbon to oxygen we see in GS-z12 does not match the products of known massive stars, says D’Eugenio. This is why we suspect this detected carbon may have been produced in more exotic kinds of massive stars, like Population III stars, he says.

Population III stars are a theoretical population of the very first stars in the universe.

According to some models, when these earliest stars exploded as supernovae, they may have released less energy than initially expected, notes the University of Cambridge. In this case, carbon, which was in the stars’ outer shell and was less gravitationally bound than oxygen, says the university. So, this carbon could have escaped more easily and spread throughout the galaxy, while a large amount of oxygen fell back and collapsed into a black hole, the university reports.

Would this carbon be the result of a Population III star going supernova?

We do not know for sure what kind of star produced this carbon, says D’Eugenio. However, due to the truly short time available for stellar evolution, it must have originated from supernova explosions caused by the death of massive stars, says D’Eugenio. Evidence ranging from the local universe to one billion years after the big bang shows that the carbon-to-oxygen ratio produced by supernovae is much lower than what we observe in this galaxy, he says.

Carbon To Oxygen Ratios

Explaining the high carbon-to-oxygen ratio observed in GS-z12 is difficult in the current framework, says D’Eugenio. In this context, there are some theoretical scenarios in which Population III supernovae yield high carbon-to-oxygen ratios; this would be a suitable scenario, but it needs to be confirmed, he says.

As for the detected carbon?

It was produced in one of the inner helium-burning shells of a massive star as it was about to go supernova, says D’Eugenio. When the star went supernova, its carbon-enriched gas returned to the galaxy, he says.

And that’s when it became detectable.

Such early supernovae and their byproducts represent the first steps in cosmic chemical enrichment. After billions of years, this chemical evolution resulted in a group of galaxies like our Milky Way; chemically rich and —- on this planet at least —- teeming with carbon-based life.

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