Looking for Saturday’s Connections hints and answers? You can find them here:

Hey there, folks! I hope you’re having a spectacular weekend.

Today’s NYT Connections hints and answers are coming right up.

How To Play Connections

In Connections, you’re presented with a grid of 16 words. Your task is to arrange them into four groups of four by figuring out the links between them. The groups could be things like horror movie franchises, a type of verb or rappers.

There’s only one solution for each puzzle, and you’ll need to be careful when it comes to words that might fit into more than one category. You can shuffle the words to perhaps help you see links between them.

Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to figure out, blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is typically the hardest one to deduce. The purple group often involves wordplay, so bear that in mind.

Select four words you think go together and press Submit. If you make a guess and you’re incorrect, you’ll lose a life. If you’re close to having a correct group, you might see a message telling you that you’re one word away from getting it right, but you’ll still need to figure out which one to swap.

If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with the help of some hints, and, if you’re really struggling, today’s Connections answers.

What Are Today’s Connections Hints?

Scroll slowly! Just after the hints for each of today’s Connections groups, I’ll reveal what the groups are without immediately telling you which words go into them.

Today’s 16 words are:

  • SNOW
  • RAM
  • HAIL
  • DEEP
  • BUMP
  • FUZZ
  • BUTT

And the hints for today’s groups are:

  1. Yellow group — zealous, heated
  2. Green group — run against, stumble on
  3. Blue group — unclear signal you won’t see in the digital age
  4. Purple group — linked by madonna (not that one)

What Are Today’s Connections Groups?

Need some extra help?

Be warned: we’re starting to get into spoiler territory.

Today’s groups are…

  • Yellow group — passionate, as a feeling
  • Green group — bang into
  • Blue group — analog TV interference
  • Purple group — ____ Mary

What Are Today’s Connections Answers?

Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll any further down the page until you’re ready to find out today’s Connections answers.

This is your final warning!

Today’s Connections answers are…

  • Yellow group — passionate, as a feeling (DEEP, EXTREME, FIERCE, INTENSE)
  • Green group — bang into (BUMP, BUTT, KNOCK, RAM)
  • Blue group — analog TV interference (FUZZ, NOISE, SNOW, STATIC)
  • Purple group — ____ Mary (BLOODY, HAIL, PROUD, VIRGIN)

Putting VIRGIN, HAIL and BLOODY together in the grid was a sneaky trick, because Mary obviously springs to mind. I thought it was a red herring at first, so I ignored those.

I got the yellows after mistakenly including BLOODY instead of DEEP. It was then that I noticed PROUD and realized I wasn’t being double bluffed on the purples.

The blues and the greens were then obvious enough to give me my fourth straight win.

That’s all there is to it for today’s Connections clues and answers. Be sure to check my blog for hints and the solution for Monday’s game if you need them.

P.S. In today’s edition of “Scottish bands Kris listened to a lot while growing up,” we have a song I recall my parents playing often when I was young. It was the last song I heard before leaving Scotland on my last visit back, as it was playing over a souvenir store’s speakers. I firmly believe this is Scotland’s alternative national anthem rather than “(I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles”:

It sounds even better with an audience. Pure magic, as we Scots say:

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