Call Of Duty has given us many a fine trailer over the years, but none have been as funny as Peter Stormare’s The Replacer spots. The Replacer debuted as a character in the marketing campaign for Call Of Duty: Black Ops II, playing a guy who ‘replaces’ various people who are too busy playing the game to be wherever they’re supposed to be: A husband sitting next to his wife as she goes through labor; a zookeeper; an office employee. He’s you but a version of you that’s funnier, scarier and, well, Peter Stormare. He plays you so you can play the game. It’s very clever.

Now the actor has reprised this hilarious role in a series of new ads for Black Ops 6, which comes out later this month. This new iteration of The Replacer is even funnier, especially when he replaces the Pope and walks around with a spray bottle blessing people. Behold:

His Holiness

“Kiss your own baby, lady.” Spray spray right in the face. Too funny.

The other ‘Replacer’ ads out right now (and there will likely be more) include a scary clown, pop-star The Weeknd and a firefighter—perhaps the most important job of them all. Watch all three, plus the original Black Ops II trailer, below.

The Replacer Returns

The Clown

The Weeknd


“Mittens, you did this to yourself!”

Black Ops II

Black Ops 6 releases on PC, Xbox and PlayStation on October 25th. You can read my impressions of the game here.

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