Much of my time is spent reviewing innovative technology but sometimes I feel I don’t spend enough time seeing how that technology is used in real life. A case in point recently was the launch of Shure’s MoveMic wireless microphone system.
While this clever little system is primarily aimed at TikTok and social media creators, this handy audio system is also being used by academia to record something incredibly important. So, I thought I’d dig a little deeper to write a feature to show how this latest technology is being used around the globe to preserve languages that are currently threatened by extinction.
Almost half of the world’s 7,000 spoken languages are under the threat of becoming extinct. According to the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages, over 3,400 languages are currently at risk of disappearing permanently. A language is lost every three to four months, which is at the fastest rate in recorded history and is partly driven by the spread of Internet English as a lingua franca of our technical age.
The extinction of languages results in the decline of linguistic diversity. When a language disappears, so does a rich repository of human knowledge and culture about the natural world. When a language dies, often information about plants, animals, ecosystems and cultural traditions will die with it. Much like biodiversity is essential if we are to maintain a healthy ecosystem, so language diversity plays a vital role in promoting social empowerment and preserving our collective human history and cultures.
When Shure decided to develop the MoveMic wireless microphone system, the company looked around for some of the applications where the technology could make a difference. One of the applications was linguistic and anthropological research and fieldwork where notetaking can sometimes miss the subtlety of things like gestures and facial expressions.
Shure decided that a good way of testing its new technology and doing something positive was to support the Living Tongues’ mission to safeguard the world’s languages and cultures from extinction through documentation, collaboration and language revitalization. While the recordings themselves won’t directly slow the rate of attrition, they can preserve a legacy for future generations. If the recordings can revitalize languages and create new materials, then this clever little bit of tech will have played an important role in preserving the cultural and linguistic diversity of our planet.
Documenting the world’s most endangered languages requires the gathering of large numbers of audio samples from some of the most remote and physically demanding locations on Earth. Living Tongues uses Shure’s new MoveMic Wireless Clip-On Microphone System to archive high-fidelity recordings from communities where languages are endangered. The aim is to preserve and transfer language to future generations. Living Tongues maintains the Living Dictionaries platform, which serves as an active, community-driven repository for people who are creating online reference sources for their language.
The Living. Dictionaries Platform can also operate as a bank for languages close to extinction or already extinct. The Shure MoveMic is also used to undertake scientific analysis of languages to challenge old theories and explore typologically un-attested phenomena in linguistic science.
“When we talk about linguistic analysis, we need to record a good, representative sample in high quality,” explained Dr. Luke Horo, Senior Researcher in Phonetics at Living Tongues. To do this, Living Tongues took Shure’s MoveMic into the field. “They’re compact, discreet and easy to use, meaning people can vocalize naturally without distraction.”
The durable MoveMic can connect directly to a smartphone in both single and twin-microphone configurations. This simple setup makes transporting the kit easy because it’s small enough to stow away in a pocket. When language preservation first began, field workers had to lug heavy tape recorders around and were usually unable to record images because film equipment was too bulky. Having a hassle-free interview setup makes it easier for the Living Tongues team to gather lots of examples and unlimited video.
Another advantage of using the small Shure MoveMic kits is the absence of large microphones and trailing wires that could intimidate or distract interviewees. Researchers can record more natural exchanges with more nuance in the conversations.
When on location, the Living Tongues team must be certain they are ready to record at a moment’s notice. The extended life of the MoveMic’s rechargeable battery makes this possible. The clip-on microphone can provide up to 24 hours of recording time on a full charge, enabling field workers to connect the microphones to other devices, including cameras, computers, smartphones or digital audio recorders. The flexibility helps and the charge can be topped up with a power bank or a solar panel.
Eduardo Valdes is Shure’s Associate Vice President of Global Marketing and Product Management. Shure chose to support Living Tongues with the donation of recording kits so researchers could record their work. Valdes. Added: “It’s been an absolute pleasure equipping Living Tongues with MoveMic and watching how this noble organization executes its work in some of the most extreme conditions while still capturing flawless wireless audio.”
Of course, Shure’s move isn’t entirely without self-interest as the company gets to test its technology in some of the most remote and harsh conditions. If the technology wasn’t reliable, it couldn’t have done the job and the company must have received valuable feedback on the usability of the MoveMic in the field.
Living Tongues linguists who use the Shure MoveMics are trained in using audio technology. Later this year, MoveMics will be distributed to endangered language communities who already have some experience using digital technology and who could benefit from such equipment to continue their projects.
Shure has used the MoveMic system to help researchers from Living Tongues document Santali, a Munda language from India. The company has pledged to provide the organization with ample kits over the next three years along with funding for future research to document languages at risk of extinction so they can be preserved.
I was curious as to how Living Tongues chooses the languages most in need of saving and I wanted to know where the recordings would be archived. First, I asked Dr. Greg Anderson, Director and Founder of Living Tongues, why languages are disappearing at such a fast rate.
“Language shift and language death are complex processes that unfold based on the history and socioeconomics of the region. Recent studies show that one language goes extinct every 3.5 months, which means that several times every year, the last speaker of a language passes away, and there are no new speakers to take their place. Language loss is connected to the loss of ancestral identity, resulting from the impacts of colonization, oppression and cultural assimilation by dominant groups.
“Language survival is also about cultural survival and transmission from one generation to the next. It can be hard to counter the ripple effects of racist and discriminatory policies that seek to stamp out cultural and linguistic diversity in favor of a unified national identity under one or a few languages.
“Languages that are approaching extinction today are usually spoken in former settlement colonies (the Americas, Siberia, Australia, etc.). Due to the subjugation and assimilation by dominant groups, both covert and overt, speakers of these languages have been disenfranchised from their linguistic heritage.”
I also wanted to know what criteria Living Tongues uses to decide which languages are most endangered. I asked Anna Luisa Daigneault, M.Sc., Program Director, if there is an endangered languages list much in the same way there is an endangered species list.
“We prioritize languages that have very little documentation, a high degree of risk and represent a high level of diversity at the language family level. In other words, we focus on languages that are not well investigated but represent something potentially distinct or unique for science, as every language has the same emblematic value for identity to its community, in principle.
“There are various sites that catalog the world’s languages and their level of endangerment based on different scales. Glottolog, Endangered Languages Project, Ethnologue, and UNESCO’s World Atlas of Languages are among these existing catalogs. These projects do not all use the same criteria to characterize the kinds of endangerment, but all estimate there are well over 3,000 languages at risk.
“We have also developed the Language Hotspots model, which helps us prioritize which languages to work on. Language Hotspots represent areas where we find a concentration of three independent factors: a high average level of endangerment, a high degree of linguistic diversity (calculated on the level of language family, not the individual language) and a low average level of prior documentation.
I wanted to know what would happen to the plethora of audio and video recordings once they’ve been captured. Would there be a resource where people can access the recordings and learn about these disappearing linguistic cultures?
Dr. Luke Horo responded: “We annotate the audio and video recordings for linguistic research purposes. Our work covers a wide range of different output types, some scientific in orientation, others more practical and applied for community-based users, and some for public consumption if appropriate and approved for such by the communities.
“Some cultural videos will likely have a broader community of interest and we make these available to the public through our YouTube page. As a distributed team of international researchers, we don’t have a physical location that people can visit in person.
“We repatriate copies of all the materials we collect with the communities themselves and archive language collections at publicly accessible accredited language archives such as the Computational Resource for South Asian Languages (CORSAL) and the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC). We also upload words and phrases to our own Living Dictionaries platform, where many other citizen-linguists that we help train can access the materials and continue to edit and expand them over time. We also link to all our work and publications on our own Institute’s website.”
Finally, I asked what are the most at-risk languages and cultures that Shure’s MoveMic is helping to preserve.
“There are hundreds of high-priority languages in the world today. The decision as to which languages we can best assist with technology depends on several logistical and practical factors. In 2024, the first set of MoveMics we received will support four endangered language communities in Africa, as well as the Ishir Chamacoco community in Paraguay, and the following Munda languages spoken in India: Kharia, Juang, Gta’, Remo, and Gorum. In coming years, we will also donate MoveMics to other communities around the world.”
If you’re interested in learning how you can help Living Tongues continue to make an impact with its work, you can review the organization’s mission and opportunities at And for more information about the new Shure MoveMic Wireless Clip-On Microphone System, visit