Electric vehicles are all in the news. The global car industry is undergoing a massive digital and electric shift. This task is huge, there are almost 1.5 billion cars globally and there are about five auto maker groups who will make this happen.

While switching cars to zero emission is going to make massive dents in global transport emissions, it is in the background of rising car ownership ( we’re on track for 2 billion cars soon) that will erode the benefits over time. It is only half of the equations when it comes to permanently win the race for clean, green mobility. That other half is a mix of walking, cycling and public transport. Electric cars can’t do it alone, this is specially true for cities, where more than half the world calls home and 75% by 2050.

The Power of Five

We have the top five auto makers making inroads, and while we can hope the top 5,000 cities (who make up 75% of the world’s urban population) do the same, there are five transport ministries (China, USA, Brazil, India, Germany- I’m looking at you) that could really move their policy levers and propel the switch on their respective continents.

But in the race for a sustainable future, there’s a set of mighty two-wheeled contenders waiting in the wings: the bicycle in all its forms.

A Billion Bicycles: A Booming Industry With Untapped Potential

The two-wheel industry is booming. Bikes of all kinds especially e-bike, e-moped and e-motorbike sales are skyrocketing, with projections of an approximate $30 billion global market by 2025 and double that over the next ten years. Yet, despite over a billion two-wheelers already in use, their potential remains largely untapped outside of South East Asia. North America, with its high car ownership rate, exemplifies this disconnect. Here, two wheeled vehicles are largely relegated to recreation, while commutes remain dominated by gas-guzzling four wheeled vehicles. It’s a policy choice that is proving not to be a smart one in the long run.

The Missing Piece: Safe Cycling Infrastructure

While e-mopeds and e-motorbikes can travel safely with moving traffic, bicycling is not the same. The key to unlocking cycling’s potential lies in safer infrastructure. While national and state governments gladly give the auto industry billions for electric vehicles, their charging networks and grid upgrades, cycling infrastructure remains a political afterthought. National transport ministries and their cities need to think of bicycles as the car’s little, but mighty cousin! “Little” in that in needs a fraction of the precious public space, but “mighty” because it gives back well above what it takes in space for the multiple benefits to the urban population, health, clean air, reduced congestion, fun and fitness, affordable access and increased spending in the local economy.

Imagine a car network with missing segments, forcing drivers to constantly detour or even worse get out of the car and push it a block to the next usable road while dodging large speeding vehicles – that’s the current reality for many people who want to bicycle for their daily errands. Even with hills, e-bikes have eliminated almost all barriers to daily riding. The only thing in the way of unlocking a billion bike trips is safe cycling infrastructure. This is a win-win and no brainer but the transport ministries and their cities worldwide resist in allocating resources and reallocating street space for protected bike lanes, provide adequate parking, and slowing traffic speeds.

The mighty cousin gives back in these ways:

  • Improved Public Health: Studies show cycling reduces healthcare costs associated with sedentary lifestyles obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • Combating Social Isolation: Cycling encourages active commutes, promoting physical and social interaction within communities, especially important for combating loneliness in urban areas.
  • Enhanced Affordability: Bicycles are significantly cheaper to purchase and maintain than cars, offering a lifeline for citizens struggling with rising fuel and food costs. It’s also a great way to support local businesses as you ride by neighborhoods.
  • Reduced Traffic Fatalities: Car crashes are a leading cause of death for Generation Z worldwide. Prioritizing safe cycling infrastructure reduces car -cyclists crashes, reduces car dependency and use, leading to fewer crashes and saving lives.

Why Bicycles Are The Perfect Partner For EVs, Not A Competitor

The future of urban mobility is not only about electric cars replacing everything. EVs are a crucial step for the industry, but for short trips within cities (which over half are less than 3 miles/5 kilometers), bicycles ( in all their forms) are the perfect complement. Most urban errands are within comfortable cycling distance, and a robust cycling network can significantly reduce car dependency. EVs are fantastic for long journeys and carrying heavy loads, but they’re not always the most practical option in urban environments. That’s where bikes, particularly e-bikes, come in and become the perfect complement to EVs. Here’s why:

  • Conquering the “Last Mile” Challenge: EVs excel on highways, but navigating congested city centers with limited parking can be frustrating. E-bikes offer a convenient and nimble solution for that “last mile” commute from a park-and-ride lot or public transport stop to your final destination.
  • Space Savers: Cities are densely packed, and parking can be a nightmare. Bikes require a fraction of the space a car does, freeing up valuable real estate for pedestrian walkways, green spaces, and even more charging stations for EVs.
  • Efficiency Powerhouse: E-bikes combine the health benefits and agility of cycling with a helpful electric boost, making them perfect for tackling short trips without breaking a sweat. This reduces traffic congestion and emissions, creating a cleaner and more breathable city for everyone using EVs as well.
  • Flexibility Duo: The combination of EVs and e-bikes offers unmatched versatility. Need to haul groceries or travel with the family? Take the EV. For a quick errand or a breezy ride to work, hop on the e-bike. Together, they provide a sustainable and efficient transportation system for the modern city.

A Billion More Bike Trips: A Sustainable Future On Two Wheels

Unlocking the true potential of cycling requires a shift in policy focus. While EV infrastructure is crucial, it shouldn’t overshadow the low-cost, high-impact solution of safe cycling infrastructure. By prioritizing protected lanes, secure parking, and slower traffic speeds, transport ministries can enable their cities to catalyze a billion more bike trips. This, coupled with the rise of EVs and public transportation, can create a truly sustainable transportation system, one that prioritizes people and the planet over car-centric status obsessed convenience. Think of it this way, we don’t need everyone to shift, its not practical in many contexts, but key infrastructure gap upgrades makes a huge difference to the transport system and our quality of life. When we all drive no one moves, but when some of us ride, everybody moves.

Pedal To The Metal: Cities Leading The Charge

The good news? Cities worldwide are recognizing the power of the bicycle. Take the Bloomberg Initiative for Cycling Infrastructure – they received a staggering 275 applications from cities in 66 countries vying for just 10 spots in their program. This is a clear testament to the untapped demand and growing global commitment to building innovative cycling infrastructure and sustainable mobility options.

While were so pleased to hear the cycling success stories of global cities like Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and recently Paris and Bogota, the two-wheeled revolution is spreading far and wide. It’s great that these cities lead the charge in cycling, but we need to do more, much more and fast. Imagine the global impact of the top 5,000 cities implementing a robust bicycle network in their central areas over the next few years. It would be a global game changer. For most cities, the infrastructure is already there, this is about space reallocation mostly, intersection priorities and some key redesign work. All of this is doable within the decade. This could easily shift a billion daily trips to cycling and walking, drastically reducing pollution, traffic congestion, collisions and individual transportation and healthcare costs. and in this inflationary economy anything that saves households money should be a high policy priority.

African Cities: Rising Stars of Cycling

China may be the world’s largest cycling nation, and India is catching up at their heels but there’s an urgent need to look at growth that is happening in Africa. Here, millions already rely on two wheels for everyday life, but lack of safe infrastructure holds them back. This is rapidly changing, here’s a glimpse into the exciting developments happening beyond the usual suspects:

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: This city is doubling the number of protected bike lanes, aiming to build Africa’s largest cycling network. Imagine the possibilities!
  • Mombasa, Kenya: Mombasa is prioritizing safety by protecting and connecting existing high-traffic cycling corridors, making cycling a more attractive option.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: People Shift When It’s Safe and Easy

Study after study shows that people are willing to use a bicycle for their daily errands as long as they feel safe from start to end. As this is bike month ask yourself is your city prioritizing affordable and sustainable personal mobility options like cycling?

Around the world, the message is getting clear: when cities prioritize safe and convenient cycling infrastructure, people shift modes. They choose the health and money saving benefits, the environmental impact, and the sheer joy of cycling. It’s a win-win for everyone.

The two-wheeled revolution is gaining momentum. It’s time for transport ministers to join the movement and help their cities unlock the immense potential of bicycles. Let’s build a future where the sound of bicycles replaces the roar of engines, a future where clean air and healthy communities become the norm, a future where mobility is accessible, affordable, and sustainable for all.

Join the challenge. Get on your bike. It’s time to shift gears.

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