In case you missed Sunday’s NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, you can find the answers here:

It’s that time again. The New York Times Mini Crossword has reset for tomorrow—Monday—and it’s time for us to solve it. Today’s crossword is actually a bit trickier than what I’ve seen on many Mondays, just like Sunday’s was trickier than usual. That’s fine by me—I like a good challenge, even if it’s a little one. Let’s solve today’s!

Spoilers ahead, obviously. Skip ahead for the image of today’s solved puzzle.


1 — Spill the beans — BLAB

5 — Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones — EAGLE

7 — Online shopping — ETAIL

8 — With 3-Down “Nope, try another guess!” — THINK

9 — Schedule ___ (modern email button) — SEND


1 — Root veggies in borscht — BEETS

2 — Carpenter’s shaping tool — LATHE

3 — See 8-Across — AGAIN

4 — Like three mice in a nursery rhyme — BLIND

6 — Big beast in Banff National Park — ELK

I moved past the first few simply because I wasn’t sure which word would fit for “Spill the beans” and I hadn’t heard of birds taking down drones. I filled in 9-Across first with SEND and then 1-Down with BEETS. From here I knew 4-Down was BLIND and was able to surmise that 1-Across was BLAB. With all those letters filled in, everything else was obvious: THINK / AGAIN, EAGLE (who knew?) ETAIL and ELK. I took 1:28 seconds today to solve the Mini Crossword. How did you do? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

If you also play Wordle, I write guides about that as well. You can find those and all my TV guides, reviews and much more here on my blog. Thanks for reading!

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