In case you missed Tuesday’s NYT Mini Crossword puzzle, you can find the answers here:

It’s Odin’s Day, dead center of the work week, a day for trickster gods and faeries. A day for ravens. And, of course, a day for puzzle-solving. Answers for all of today’s NYT Mini Crossword puzzle are below!

Spoilers ahead, obviously. Skip ahead for the image of today’s solved puzzle.


1 — Synonym for “close” — SHUT

5 — Actor’s workshop assignment — SCENE

6 — Civic maker — HONDA

7 — ___ sanctum (private chamber) — INNER

8 — Synonym for “close” — NEAR


1 — Pastry often served with tea — SCONE

2 — Temporary reddish dye — HENNA

3 — Far from over? — UNDER

4 — Droplet of sorrow — TEAR

5 — Vulnerable body part in soccer — SHIN

This one was, once again, surprisingly tricky for a Mini Crossword. They messed around with words like “close” and “over” that have double meanings. I tried NEAR for 1-Across first, but it was SHUT. Sneaky! Others were easier, like “Droplet of sorrow” (how poetic). I was distracted and took 3:39 today. How did you do? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

If you also play Wordle, I write guides about that as well. You can find those and all my TV guides, reviews and much more here on my blog. Thanks for reading!

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