Looking for Wednesday’s Wordle hints, clues and answer? You can find them here:

Yesterday I was all mopey because it was snowing and felt like winter had made a resurgence. Today, it’s sunny and warm and I’ve been locked up in my office type-type-typing away all day. I may brave a hike with my dogs soon, but I’m not a huge fan of mud. And there will be mud.

Which sounds like a parody of the Daniel Day Lewis film, There Will Be Blood, which remains one of the bleakest, most unpleasant films I’ve ever watched. But still good, somehow. I need to watch that again, actually. It came out in 2007, the year my daughter was born, when I was just a kid myself, having just barely turned 26.

In any case, yesterday was Wordle Wednesday and I gave you this riddle to solve:

Riddle: What goes up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up?

Not many people sent me the answer so I guess this was a bit tricky. The answer is: An umbrella.

Okay, Wordle time!

How To Solve Today’s Wordle

The Hint: A command often given to dogs.

The Clue: Today’s Wordle begins with a consonant.

Okay, spoilers below!




The Answer:

Wordle Analysis

Every day I check Wordle Bot to see how I did. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.

I guessed horse because I was writing a very long piece about the video game Dragon’s Dogma 2 that included me complaining about the fact there are no horses to ride, and what a better game it would be with horses.

It was a fairly strong opener, leaving me with 75 words. Of course, I didn’t know this at the time, but I did know I had two yellow boxes, and I decided I should try to rearrange them rather than guess all new letters. I was leaning heavily toward askew, but then decided the answer was more likely a word beginning with ‘S’ so I chose speak, which would still see if there was an ‘A’ in the word, and to my amazement got it on the second guess. Huzzah!

Competitive Wordle Score

I wish this was 2XP Friday, but oh well. I get 2 points for guessing in two and 1 point for beating Wordle Bot for a grand total of 3 points. Huzzah again!

Today’s Wordle Etymology

The word “speak” comes from the Old English word “sprecan” or “specan,” which means to speak, talk, or utter. This term has its roots in the Proto-Germanic “*sprek-, *spek-,” though the exact evolution of the term within the Germanic languages is somewhat complex due to various phonetic shifts. The Proto-Germanic root likely came from the Proto-Indo-European root “*spek-” or “*spreg-“, which also meant to speak or talk. The shift from “r” to “a” in the Old English version is part of what’s known as the rhotacism, affecting the way consonants are articulated. Over time, “sprecan” evolved into “speak” in Modern English, retaining its original meaning. This evolution reflects the linguistic changes and influences that occurred as the English language developed through the ages, absorbing influences from Norse, Latin, French, and other languages due to historical events like the Norman Conquest.

Be sure to check out my blog for my daily Wordle and Strands guides as well as all my other writing about TV shows, streaming guides, movie reviews, video game coverage and much more. Thanks for stopping by!

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