Hurricane Helene has got the conspiracy theorists out in force, with claims that it was geoengineered for everything from voter manipulation to an industrial land grab.

One theory is based on the idea that the path of greatest destruction hit Republican areas hardest, largely bypassing the bluest areas of swing states. But one of the most widely-repeated claims has the hurricane engineered in order to give the Department of Defense access to land containing large deposits of lithium and other minerals.

“Here’s an interesting fact about the region of North Carolina. It sits on the biggest lithium deposit in the United States,” said Steve Peters in a video.

“As the United States government and its buddies in the central banking corporate crime syndicates stand to make billions and trillions of dollars off of these lithium deposits that are underneath towns underneath homes, underneath schools, and they can’t get access unless the land is somehow completely cleaned off and available for mining, what better way to do that than by washing away the people who live there and all that they own, and blaming it on climate change?”

As for how this engineering is being carried out, there are a number of different theories.

One claims that the hurricane’s path was guided by ground-based frequency transmitter installations. “Atmospheric frequency transmissions can and do have a repelling effect on air masses, especially if and when the air masses have been seeded with electrically conductive nanoparticles,” one bright spark explained on YouTube.

More popular is the theory that it’s got something to do with the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a University of Alaska Fairbanks program to observe the ionosphere.

“Where it concerns the formation, intensification and direction of weaponized Hurricane Helene, the NWO geoterrorists have again used their highly advanced geoengineering technologies to further perfect the chemical geoengineering and HAARP-frequency techniques as well as to integrate the NEXRAD Doppler radar transmitters and moisture-producing power plants into their weather warfare repertoire,” one article explained.

But, as HAARP points out, the radio waves transmitted by HAARP aren’t absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere – the two levels of the atmosphere that produce Earth’s weather.

“Since there is no interaction, there is no way to control the weather,” it said.

So-called chemtrails also get a mention, as do ‘sound waves’, cloud seeding and Florida State University’s Mag Lab, which hosts the most powerful all-superconducting magnet in the world. Indeed, only the Flat Earthers seem to be keeping quiet – at least so far.

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