At the PC Gaming Show a new trailer was revealed for Escape From Tarkov that has given us a first look at story quests and a bunch of other features coming to the game in the next few months.
The trailer shown at the event covers a lot of things we already know are coming, but for some of them, it is the first proper glimpse at how they will work. The biggest new feature tease was for the promised storyline quests that will arrive with the launch of Escape From Tarkov.
This series of quests has been teased as one of the biggest additions in years, and will finally give us a reason why we are escaping Tarkov. From the trailer, it looks like you could be one of the first to actually escape the Tarkov region, with a suggestion that you’ll be on a quest to travel across all of the maps looking for a way out, with potential map-changing events like a giant crane falling down also taking place.
Map transitions were hinted at, which were also shown in the recent TarkovTV stream where it was revealed these will be introduced with a new quest that will make you go from map to map in a certain order. It looks like this could be part of the storyline quest, but that isn’t confirmed.
In the trailer, there is a lot of clips from Arena, with no clear distinction between the two games being made. While Battlestate says they want it to be one experience, the fact Arena carries its own price tag makes this feel a little strange.
There was also another look at the new Skybridge map for Arena, which was also revealed in the TarkovTV stream. Battlestate Games is clearly trying to get more people to play Arena after it appears to have dropped players fairly quickly since launch. Hopefully, more eyes on the game with this trailer and the link between the two should help things.
There was no release date revealed for Tarkov, which I have to admit I was somewhat expecting. Given that they initially said they were targeting a 2024 launch window, I perhaps foolishly, expected them to at least announce it will launch with the winter wipe later this year. Of course, with a wipe coming in August it may have been confusing to announce a date, but showing Tarkov off to that many people at the PC Gaming Show would have been their best opportunity to at least show off a release window. Seems like we will just have to wait until later in the year to get any idea of a release date for Tarkov.