Following the disastrous New Gundam Breaker, we have a new numbered entry on the way, but there’s a good chance it will be just as terrible.
The first three Gundam Breaker games were developed by a studio called ilinx, with support from another studio called Craft & Meister. The original three games also used middleware from Silicon Studio.
All that changed with New Gundam Breaker, gone were ilinx and Silicon Studio’s middleware, and instead we were left with just Craft & Meister now using Unreal Engine with direct oversight from Bandai Namco.
I was initially optimistic about this change, as the Unreal Engine toolset is very versatile and stable, but New Gundam Breaker just turned out to be a mess.
Sadly, Gundam Breaker 4 is going down the same route again with Craft & Meister developing the game and using Unreal Engine. From the screenshots and trailer (shown below) it’s also not looking great either, if anything it’s a graphical step backward from Gundam Breaker 3, and that game was released in 2016.
Considering that both Gundam Evolution and SD Gundam Battle Alliance used Unreal Engine and looked great doing so, it is bizarre to see Gundam Breaker 4 look so dated.
Released later this year on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and PC, Gundam Breaker 4 has a lot to live up to but based what I am seeing and hearing I am not holding out that this will be any good.
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