Season 10 of Overwatch 2 starts today, and there are some major changes when it comes to Mythic skins. From now on, you won’t have to unlock that particular season’s Mythic skin when you hit level 80 of the Premium Battle Pass. That’s a welcome change as players will have more choice over the Mythics they want to add to their collections.
You’ll be able to choose which Mythic to unlock if you’ve missed any in previous seasons. Here’s how it works:
How To Unlock Mythic Skins In ‘Overwatch 2’
There’s a new currency you’ll be able to earn if you have a Premium Battle Pass. They’re called Mythic Prisms. Starting on Tier Eight of the Battle Pass, you’ll receive eight Mythic Prisms every 10 tiers until Tier 78.
Once you hit Tier 48, you’ll have enough Mythic Prisms to unlock the base version of the Mythic you want from the Mythic Shop. Get to Tier 78 of the Premium Battle Pass, and you’ll have enough Mythic Prisms to unlock the rest of the customizations for a Mythic skin.
You can access the Mythic Shop from the Shop tab on the main menu or from the Battle Pass screen.
A base Mythic skin costs 50 Mythic Prisms. It comes with one customization, along with some neat bells and whistles like voice effects, and special voice lines, animations and visual effects.
Each Mythic skin has up to three more customization levels, which each cost 10 Prisms. These give you more cosmetic options, color variants and weapon styles. You’ll need to unlock the customizations sequentially to get all of them for a given Mythic.
You can put your Mythic Prisms toward the current season’s Mythic skin (Vengeance Mercy in Season 10) or unlock one you missed from a previous season. So, starting today, you’ll be able to work toward unlocking Vengeance Mercy or any of the Mythics from Seasons 1 through 7.
However, you’ll only have until the end of Season 10 to unlock Vengeance Mercy. After that, the skin will be vaulted for two seasons, then it’ll return to the Mythic Shop. Once you’ve unlocked a base Mythic skin, you can still upgrade it with more customization options, even if it’s not currently in the Mythic Shop.
If you want to unlock Mythics without working through the Premium Battle Pass or you want to unlock a couple of older skins, you can buy Prisms directly, but they’re pretty expensive. For $10, you can buy 10 Prisms. For $40, you’ll get 50 Prisms and for $80, you’ll get 100 Prisms.
Given that you’ll earn 80 Prisms by completing a $10 Premium Battle Pass (and earn other skins and cosmetics, as well as Coins toward unlocking the next season’s Premium Battle Pass), that seems like the more budget-friendly approach.
I hope that clears everything up. Season 10 should be going live just as I publish this, so I’m going to see how much XP I can earn from playing the new Clash mode while it’s available and work toward unlocking Vengeance Mercy.
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