Is it Monday already? But it feels as though the weekend has only just begun! I did not have a lazy Sunday, spending my morning at the vet and then working all day and getting quite stiff in the process. Today I aim to get some hard exercise and hopefully get the doggies out on a walk. My youngest pup—Bruno—continues to be under the weather and after many tests and X-rays it’s still a mystery. I worry. He is usually so full of life and lately he’s just a lethargic lump.
We will continue to try to figure out that puzzle here at the Kain household. Here on the internet, we will solve this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: Frequently.
The Clue: This word begins with a vowel.
The Answer:
Wordle Analysis
Every day I check Wordle Bot to see how I did. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.
Why spore you ask? It’s a peculiar starting word. Thing is, I just watched Pedro Pascal’s adorable acceptance speech for best actor for The Last Of Us at the SAG Awards and it made me think of that show and video game and the spores that transmit the sickness and, well, there you have it.
Why foley you ask? I have no idea. I was trying to do some rearranging with the ‘O’ and ‘E’ and it just popped into my head. I wasn’t even sure it would work. It did! And now I had a green box and two yellow boxes and the only word I could think of was often, though Wordle Bot later told me offed would have been an option. Seems a little grim, even for the Bot.
Competitive Wordle Score
I get 1 point for guessing in three and 1 for beating Wordle Bot. 2 points for me! Bwahaahahahahaha!
Today’s Wordle Etymology
The etymology of the word “often” traces back to the Old English period, deriving from the Old English word “oft,” which means frequently or many times. The “-en” suffix was added later, forming the modern English word “often” to indicate the adverbial form, signifying “frequently” or “in many instances.” The root “oft” itself can be traced further back to Proto-Germanic *ofta, which has cognates in other Germanic languages, such as German “oft” and Dutch “vaak,” indicating a common ancestry in the linguistic tradition of the Germanic family.
Over time, the pronunciation of “often” has varied, with the “t” being silent in some periods and pronounced in others. This variation in pronunciation reflects the influence of Latin on English, as Latin was highly regarded by scholars and influenced English pronunciation and spelling norms during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Today, both pronunciations—with and without the “t” sound—are considered correct in English, reflecting the word’s long history and the natural evolution of language.