Holy smokes, folks, it’s February 29th! Leap Day! Enjoy it because it only comes once every four years. Happy birthday to all you Leap Babies out there. We’re all very jealous of your eternal youthfulness.
In any case, yesterday was Wordle Wednesday and I gave you this problem to solve:
Riddle: What happens twice in a day, but only once in one year.
The answer: The letter ‘a’. It shows up twice in ‘a day’ but only once in ‘one year’. Nobody sent me the answer to this one! Oh well.
Okay, let’s do this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: Think visually.
The Clue: This word has more vowels than consonants.
The Answer:
Wordle Analysis
Every day I check Wordle Bot to see how I did. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.
I fell quite splendid about my guessing game today. Lemon often refers to something that doesn’t work, but it can also be squeezed into all sorts of delicious drinks, desserts and sauces. It was rather delicious today, leaving me with just 53 words to choose from. I smote all but two of those with smite and was left with just two I could think of: image and imbue. While the latter would have been a surprising twist and a much tougher word to guess, I went with the likelier choice and nabbed the win. Huzzah!
Competitive Wordle Score
I get 1 point for guessing in three and 1 for beating the Bot who took four tries to get today’s Wordle. That’s +2 for me (which is nice since I lost two points yesterday!)
Today’s Wordle Etymology
The word ‘image’ comes from the Old French “image,” which itself derives from the Latin “imago,” meaning a likeness, statue, or picture. The Latin term encompasses various forms of representations, including mental images, reflections, and likenesses of ancestors, among others. This root has contributed to related terms in English, such as “imagine” and “imaginary,” which pertain to the formation of visual representations in the mind or the concept of visualization without physical presence.
The transition from Latin into Old French and then into English reflects the broadening of the term’s application from physical representations to include abstract and mental concepts. The etymology of “image” traces a path through languages and cultures, illustrating how the concept of creating visual representations of the physical or conceptual world has been a fundamental aspect of human expression and communication across history.