It’s Thursday, which means we get to reveal the answer to yesterday’s tricky logic puzzle. This was one of the more challenging puzzles I’ve doled out. I’m not sure if anyone got the correct answer or even tried!
This was the puzzle:
There are 100 lockers in a row. They are all closed. A person walks down the row and opens every locker. Then, another person walks down the row and closes every second locker beginning with the second locker. After that, a third person walks down the row and either opens or closes (depending on whether it’s open or closed) every third locker, beginning withe the third locker. This continues until 100 people have walked down the row. At the end, which lockers are open?
The answer is kinda neat if you have even a bit of math geek in you: All the open lockers are perfect squares: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100.
Wordle time!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle
The Hint: Famous wars in a galaxy far, far away.
The Clue: This Wordle begins with a consonant.
The Answer:
Wordle Analysis
Every day I check Wordle Bot to see how I did. You can check your Wordles with Wordle Bot right here.
This one really stumped me. I was working with some audio files and even though I know that’s not a super great opening word, I went with it anyways. Audio left me with a whopping 370 possible choices. From here, spoke narrowed things down considerably to just 15 but I could think of lots of words with the ‘O’ and ‘E’ in that placement, but was having a tough time coming up with something that would narrow things down as much as I needed.
I went with whole and still had a few choices. I was hoping it would be clove but I should have guessed clone. Oh well!
Competitive Wordle Score
Unfortunately, the Bot managed to guess in just 2 today (thanks to crane I guess). So I lost to the Bot (-1 point) and guessed in five (-1 point) for a grand total of -2. Ouch!
Today’s Wordle Etymology
The word “clone” originates from the Greek word κλών (klōn), which means “twig” or “branch,” referring to the process by which a new plant can be created from a twig or branch of another plant. This reflects the original biological concept of cloning, which is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs naturally when organisms such as bacteria, insects, plants, or animals reproduce asexually.
The modern scientific use of the word “clone” was first recorded in the early 20th century, extending from its botanical roots to include the artificial creation of genetically identical organisms through various scientific techniques. Over time, the term has also been adopted in broader contexts to describe any exact copy or replica, not just in the biological sense.